By submitting this application, you agree to receive communication from or relating to IBEN, and further agree that IBEN may share your information and any other information and material you provide with other IBEN members, affiliates, vendors, and third parties in order to provide you service as a IBEN member.

IBEN reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms & Conditions herein at any time by posting the amended Terms & Conditions. Please check these Terms & Conditions periodically for changes. Your continued use of the IBEN services after the posting of changes constitutes your binding acceptance of such changes. In addition, when using any particular services, you may be subject to any posted guidelines, rules, product requirements or sometimes additional terms applicable to such services. All such guidelines, rules, product requirements or sometimes additional terms are hereby incorporated by reference into the terms.

The Service registration: To register for the IBEN services, you are required to open an account by completing the registration process (i.e. by providing us with current, complete and accurate information as prompted by the applicable registration form). You acknowledge and assume sole responsibility to ensure that you are a mature person (i.e, above the age of majority). You expressly agree to absolve IBEN of any responsibility/liability in this regard.

Arbitration: All dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the member’s application in IBEN shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the State where the applicant’s IBEN chapter is located. The clause encompasses any and all disputes involving IBEN, and their officers, employees, agents and representatives, as well as members, provided that the dispute pertain to membership or participation in IBEN.

Limitation of Liability: Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, any liability to you involving IBEN, and their officers, employees, agents and representatives for any cause whatsoever arising out of this agreement and/or membership participation in IBEN, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount of the annual service fee paid by you for membership in IBEN. Except in Jurisdictions where such provisions are restricted, in no event will there be any liability to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages. No actions hereunder may be recommended unless brought within one year of accrual.

Contract Term & Payments: Membership of IBEN is for an initial Contract Term of 12 months and is subject to payment of the Service Fee each year. Following the expiry of the initial Contract Term and any subsequent Contract Term, the Member must renew their Membership paying the Service Fee for the next Contact Term otherwise Membership is terminated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

Termination Policy: Membership may be terminated by giving written notice to IBEN. If notice is given during the Contract Term, the member will not be refunded the Service Fee for the Contract Term. Either party may at any time terminate the Membership by immediate written notice if the other commits any material breach of the Terms and Conditions or goes into liquidation, becomes bankrupt, makes a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or has a receiver or administrator appointed. Upon termination of the Membership for whatever reason all sums owed by the Member to IBEN shall become due and payable by the Member with immediate effect.

Insolvency of Member: This clause applies in the circumstances where the Member makes a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or (being an individual or firm) becomes bankrupt or (being a company) becomes subject to an administration order or goes into liquidation (otherwise than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction); an encumbrance takes possession, or a receiver is appointed, of any of the property or assets of the Members; the Member ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business; IBEN reasonably believes that any of the above events is about to happen and notifies the Member accordingly; or if this clause applies then, without limiting any other right or remedy available to IBEN, IBEN may cancel the Contract or suspend Membership, including access to its Website and other services.

Certification: I hereby declares and certify that all statements contained in this application and any other accompanying documents are true and correct, and that any misrepresentation or false statement may be grounds for rejecting my application or, if discovered after my application has been accepted, subject me to immediate termination at IBEN’s discretion without any reimbursement. I further understand that my membership is conditional and I agree, accept and will abide all the terms and conditions set forth herein and those contained within the IBEN Member Policies, Guidelines and Code of Ethics, all of which I have the opportunity to review upon request or received upon induction. I acknowledge that breach of these terms, conditions, and policies shall be grounds to terminate my membership. I understand and agree that upon acceptance, all fees paid are NON-Refundable without exception.

Last updated on 13th January, 2020